5. The Mad, Mad World

For this week's blog I wanted to explore a video; this video is a very sad view on today's society albeit very well done.  I was impressed with both the length and detail put into this animation.  One of the things I noticed is that NONE of the characters that were animated were the exact same which meant each character was individually created and each one was animated separately then joined together.  The sheer time it took to do every character must've been a massive task.  The art style is very dreary and kind of reminds me of something straight from the industrial revolution.  The story tells of a boy who is growing up to see the world from the eyes of someone who is "awoken" and sees everyone for who they actually are, and not how they portray themselves online.  I find the whole video to be highly depressing as it attempts to tell us to "awaken" from our digitalized social slumber.  It depicts stories of events that are happening in our world now and show people standing by, head in their phones, instead of looking up and realizing their surroundings.  One scene even seemed to pick fun at (I believe) Pokemon Go, showing a character looking very similar to Pikachu in a junkyard of old phones with people standing all around the shiny, glowing character which is the only thing not black and white in the frame.  Another scene depicts three policemen beating a man and instead of helping, everyone just filmed it.

Throughout the film one phrase continued to pop up: "These Systems are Failing" which I believe to be how the media wants us to think about our democratic way of government which I agree the media does.  One thing I don't agree on is how the overall message of the video is portrayed.  Yes, it makes me uncomfortable, yes I understand that's the point BUT in the age of the online world, nobody(that this video is targeting) is going to watch it all the way through nor will they think twice about it.  I believe they'll watch, have a temporary "Sigh, I should do something about this" and forget about it twenty minutes later.  How I would change it?  I'm not sure but I do believe there is a better method to raise awareness for what society is turning into.  I also believe the artist should depict some sort of remedy for this or maybe a potential of what life should look like in their eyes.  Overall a very impressive work of art, just over-the-top depressing.
