2. Hong Kong: The Censorship Not Spoken Of

China is one of the biggest countries in the world.  Not only do they have one of the biggest economies, but also one of the biggest populaces in the world.  One piece of China, however, is not really China.  Living under the "One Country, Two Systems" model, Hong Kong is seen as a part of China, but is guaranteed freedoms that aren't seen in Chinese government documents.  Similar to the United States' first amendment, they are guaranteed the freedom of press, expression, assembly and religion.  This doesn't sit well with their Chinese overlords when newspapers and citizens of Hong Kong criticize the lack of choice they have in their own country.
Beijing controls a majority of the government's positions and has Hong Kong's leaders selected by their majority of positions... even though elections are held and every citizen is allowed to vote in.  Protestor demands have become more and more complex as the civil unrest continues.  According to The New York Times: "independent investigation into the police response, amnesty for arrested participants and direct elections for all lawmakers and the chief executive.  This is very important because the restrictions on Hong Kong's rights is the exact thing the first amendment protects: free speech. 

Hong Kong Using USA Flags to Protest Lack of Free Speech
Now these oppressed people continually push for more freedoms and use the American flag and OUR constitution as motivation for their protests.  One thing's for sure though, Hong Kong will never be the same after these protests.  Unfortunately, due to China's overwhelming power in the worldly economy, no country has come to the aid of the protestors publicly, so we wait and watch to see the outcome of these fantastically disturbing events.

