3. The Supreme Court

             The Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body in existence.  They interpret the document that was used in the foundation of the country and can check both the President and Congress.  The Constitution states in Article III, Section 1: “The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”  This also means that anything determined by a lower court can be overruled by the supreme court, but anything determined by the supreme court cannot be overturned unless it is overruled by the supreme court itself.  As confusing as that may sound, it has happened many times.  Arguably the most influential overturn was of the ruling for Plessy v Ferguson case. 
Homer Plessy
This case was an attempt to make separate but equal illegal, however, the court saw separate but equal as constitutional as long as the facilities were actually equal (they were not).  They stated in a 7-1 decision that the Separate Car Act did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment.  Many people were outraged by this decision and lost their trust in the supreme court.  Certain colored individuals then set out to prove this decision as incorrect. 

These individuals fought back and set up a case now known as “Brown v Board of Education”.  This case was all about segregation in public schools.  One piece of data that was used in the final decision as evidence was a study showing that African American children preferred white dolls over darker colored dolls proving that they thought white dolls to be superior to those of their own skin color.  Using this data and other points, the court unanimously decided that separate but equal was unconstitutional and violated the 14th Amendment; this allowed for the start of desegregation! 

The supreme court justices, as stated in the video, can disagree on some very basic fundamental things surrounding the constitution and how to interpret it but the one thing that remains solid between all the justices is the idea that they all share the same basic goal of doing the right thing for the citizens of the United States.  As messed up as the upholding of separate but equal was, the court realized its unpopular opinion and was made aware of its’ inability to be reliable in all settings, so it was overturned.  For this reason and many others, the supreme court is critical to the integrity of the constitution and the ability for the country to run on such an old document, despite the unimaginable changes that have happened in the time since its’ writing
